The Task: Bringing out the leisure card offer and at the same time creating an overview of leisure activities in the three municipalities

The Result: A colorful and intuitive portal for everyone's enjoyment!

In 2021, the municipalities of Bømlo, Fitjar and Stord joined the government’s trial of the Leisure Card, a scheme that gives all children and young people between the ages of 6 and 18 NOK 1,000 for six months of earmarked organized activity. The aim of the scheme was that all children and young people should be able to participate in fixed, organized leisure activities.

In this context, Bømlo, Fitjar and Stord wanted to join forces to develop a joint website where all teams and organizations in the three municipalities could present their activities, including those that did not come under the leisure card scheme.

We were tasked with developing a user-friendly website that promoted the leisure card in particular, and the range of activities in our region in general. Both fixed activities and various types of events should have their place in the solution.

We helped with the user interface and developed a website that retrieves the information from an external archive and into our solution.

As a visual expression, we chose illustration to show great diversity in activities, from theater and music to outdoor activities and ball sports. Illustration opens up for interpretation and this is how we bring out the diversity in the activity portal.

With the question “What do you want to do in your spare time?” the user has the option of choosing a category or dabbling in all of them at once. In the filtering, you can also sort by facility, age and municipality.

The design facilitates a large variation in image and text content. The framework provides room for various expressions and lets the leisure activities stand for the visuals.

To inform about the leisure card, we produced posters and flyers which were distributed throughout the school. In addition, animated information clips about the website were shown on social media, information screens and as cinema advertising, all based on the illustration on the website.