The Task: Design a strategic improvement campaign for increased implementation efficiency in Kværner ASA

The Result: Kværner's cost base for new projects was reduced by 15-20% in two years.

En stafettløper gir fra seg pinnen til nestemann. Teksten «> Engineering >Procurement > Construction» står skrevet i hver sin løpsbane En stafettløper gir fra seg pinnen til nestemann. Teksten «> Engineering >Procurement > Construction» står skrevet i hver sin løpsbane

In 2014, Kværner launched the “Kværner Interaction” improvement project. The objective was to increase competitiveness, through streamlining and making work processes more efficient, and increasing the focus on costs.

To succeed with such changes in an organisation, everyone must contribute. But how to get everyone on the team?

In close collaboration with Kværner, we worked out a communication concept that is still in use. The concept focuses on informing and clarifying Kværner’s qualities and challenges to all employees in the group. The messages are presented on everything from billboards and posters to brochures, visual work instructions and digital presentations. The visual expression is easy to understand, and plays on recognizable elements from pop culture.

“Kværner Interaction” has shown clear improvement results. Already in 2015, the Edvard Grieg platform was precisely delivered from Kværner Stord at the agreed time and price. And from 2014 to 2016, the company states that they have reduced the cost base for new projects by around 15 to 20 percent. The goal for 2017 is to continue this.

Teksten «Kværner interaction» i blått

Knyttet til prosjektet:

Espen M. Kvalheim

Art Director / digital designer

+47 415 34 073

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